GUIMOV’s functions


Get hash from clear password.

Gimov don’t store clear password but their hashes. There are severals algorithms to caclulate hashes so Gimov provide a function to ensure consistency with the password check inside the interface.


pwd (str) – password to hash. Integers or floats have to be format to string before hash.


(str) - password’s hash

guimov.start(*args, **kwargs)

Start the interface

  • host (str) – IP to access the interface .Default ‘’

  • port (str) – Port to access the interface. Default ‘8585’

  • debug (bool) – Launch the interface with debug mode. Default False

  • dataset (str) – Use for explore only one dataset without providing datasets_path and logs_path

  • args – Parameters pass to

  • kwargs – Parameters pass to


class guimov.Settings

Settings provides properties to set the paths of datasets and logs files.

property datasets_path

Path of file containing the list of datasets with their hashed password.

property logs_path

Path of the file where all logs will be saved. The new logs will be added, and does not remove the data of the file.